Have you ever heard that eye witnesses are unreliable? Why is that? It is because everyone has their own perception of what happened. One person sees a short man. Another person sees a tall man. Another sees woman with short hair.
With that in mind, we are all already living in our own created reality. We all perceive life differently based on our own experiences, biases, traumas, or relationships. Where do you choose to live? Build your new reality if the one you currently have is undesirable.
One way to start: What was your best day ever? Describe it in detail. Try using all of you senses. What did you see? Who were you with? What were the smells? What did you feel? If you ate something, what did it taste like? What were the sounds? Create your new best day. From today forward, what would your best day look like now? Who would be in it? How would your time progress? What would you do? What are the sights, sounds, smells, tastes? What do you feel? How do you feel?